Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the 3P Online School

    • Introduction

    • So Pleased you Joined Us!

    • Why 3P?

    • Why 3P?

    • Support, supervision and training at 3P

    • Hey! Stay Connected!

  • 2

    Introducing this course

    • A message from your presenter

    • A Walkthrough of The 3P Online Platform

    • Before we begin...

  • 3

    Let's Get Started!

    • Why developing this course?

    • What is an IEP?

    • Who is it for?

    • Features of a Good IEP

    • Download the workbook

    • Quiz

  • 4

    Constructing a Good IEP

    • Assess - Plan - Do - Review Cycle

    • Gathering Information

    • Young Person's Views

    • Evidence

    • Monitoring

    • Quiz

  • 5

    What does a good IEP Experience look like?

    • Let's have a think about the IEP process from start to finish: Case Vignette

    • Case Vignette Discussion

    • Creating a Co-Constructed Agenda

    • Bringing a team together

    • Creating a Productive Review Meeting

    • Recording Discussions and Producing Helpful Documents

    • Quiz

  • 6

    Taking the next steps

    • The many paths forward

    • Resources and further reading

    • Support, supervision and training at 3P

    • Hey! Stay Connected!